Oct 19 2022 Intro to End of Semester Project
At the end of Semester 1 you will have a final exam to complete (40-50 MC questions). You will also have a practical exam (lab bake with your group) which will be completed and assessed within the final 2 weeks of Semester 1.
Task Today: Your group needs to work on completing the following today. (There may be a little bit of time next class to work on this further - BUT - USE YOUR TIME WISELY - TODAY.
Locate a recipe that you would be keen to make/bake for your final practical exam.
Your recipe MUST be able to be completed within 60 minutes (to allow for clean up & presentation/taste test time)
Your group will be required to create and submit a newly typed recipe (based on your research) which follows the below structure in Word:
1. Group Names:
2. Group Roles: Who is: Head Chef, Prep Cooks x 2, Dishwasher for this final practical exam.
3. Ingredients:
4. Instructions:
5. Equipment:
6. Grocery List: (based off of your ingredients what will your group specifically require from the grocery store in order to complete your recipe - note - we often have flour and sugar on hand in this space).
7. Presentation Ideas: How will your group present your work for assessment? E.g. Design/Decorating Ideas? Plating etc.?
SUBMISSION: Your head chef will submit this Assignment inside Teams once complete as a .doc or .docx WORD document.
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